
Registration form




Email address:


Please tick where appropriate


·         If you are reading a paper or taking part in the roundtable discussion

Registration fee +coffee breaks +  lunches (Friday and Saturday): free

Conference dinner: €25


·         If you are not reading a paper or taking part in the roundtable discussion:

Registration fee and coffee breaks: €10

Friday lunch: €12.5

Saturday lunch:  €12.5

Conference dinner (Friday evening): €25


·         If you are a student

Registration fee and coffee breaks: free

Friday lunch: €12.5

Saturday lunch: €12.5


Grand Total: €____ 

Payable by cheque to “M. l’agent comptable de l’UBO” or (if you are a foreign resident)  in cash on the day   

Prière de retourner votre bulletin d’inscription à :

Forum T & R, CRBC — Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines Victor-Segalen —

20 rue Duquesne - CS 93837 29238 BREST Cedex 3, France

Ou par courriel à : claude.roy@univ-brest.fr


Personnes connectées : 3